On Tue, 28 Feb 2017, at 06:24, Mark S wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> This is a strange one and I haven't yet been able to duplicate.  But I  
> wanted to report the description of what did happen in case it was either 
> a known issue or one that would seem likely based on the code.
> The servers in question are running HAProxy 1.7.1 on FreeBSD-11.

I am working through similar symptoms from yesterday  (FreeBSD 11p2
kernel + p7 userland, haproxy 1.6.10) where all 4 load balancers in
different regions locked up, around the same time. I'm also struggling
to identify anything that we did that might have triggered this. The
only correlation I've found so far is a temporary loss of network on our
frontend web servers, and we seem not to have had anybody deploying
stuff around that time.

- stats page is inaccessible
- front end & back end seem to be disconnected
- there was only a single haproxy instance running
- dtruss showed only kqueue(0,0,0....) = 22 (EINVAL) continuously
- system logs are blank, although shortly afterwards the box panicked


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