
Am 16.03.2017 um 01:27 schrieb Willy Tarreau:
>> Thanks for raising that point. The choice was intended and may be subject to
>> discussion.
>> timeout keywords are (most of them, except maybe "timeout mail") defined in >> defaults/frontend/backend/listen sections, whereas this one is in the global
>> one. I wanted to clearly differentiate that timeout to prevent some
>> misconfigurations.
>> But I'm definitely not closed to add a "timeout" prefix. Also, I was not
>> very decided about the "grace" name but I didn't spend a lot of time to
>> write the patch (hence the [RFC] tag ;-)). You suggested "timeout shutdown",
>> this one may be a better choice, indeed.
> In my opinion it's irrelevant to the section, but to the role. It's not
> a timeout but a grace time. We do already have "grace" in frontends for
> a similar purpose. In fact in my opinion a timeout is very different in
> that it's a maximum time waiting for an event to appear. Here we're not
> waiting for an event, we offer a grace time after the event (the reload
> signal). So in my opinion your choice of "grace" is perfectly suited here.

I don't disagree with the use of the word grace in general (as opposed
timeout), but isn't it misleading to have a global grace option (this one
here, closing active, long-running sessions) and grace option in defaults/
frontend/listen/backend [1], which does something different (keeping the
listening socket open).

This sounds highly confusing to me and could become a source of
misunderstandings ("try setting grace to 5000", "ok, done", "which one?").

nginx calls this (also brandnew) feature worker_shutdown_timeout [2].

Maybe something like shutdown-maxgrace or shutdown-grace? I'm not sure,
but I'd definitely avoid a name clash with the existing grace option,
even if it's configured in a different section.

I understand this is for both TCP and HTTP mode? Maybe we can mention
this in the doc (" will remain alive *in both TCP and HTTP mode* when
a soft-stop ").

Otherwise, thumbs up, this is very useful!


[1] https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.8/configuration.html#grace
[2] http://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#worker_shutdown_timeout

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