I'm looking to get some clarification around the documentation for the
duration of sticky counter tracking. There are 2 specific points I'm a
little confused on.

1. Under the documentation for `tcp-request content`, it says:
> In case of HTTP keep-alive with the client, all tcp-request content
rules are evaluated again, so haproxy keeps a record of what sticky
counters were assigned by a "tcp-request connection" versus a
"tcp-request content" rule, and flushes all the content-related ones
after processing an HTTP request

This sounds like if I were to use `tcp-request content track-sc0 src`,
that after the http request is finished processing, the sticky counter
for the source IP will be stop being tracked. However this does not
appear to be the case as when I log sc0_conn_cur, it is counting clients
that are sitting idle between http requests (using http keep-alive).

2. Under the documentation for `http-request track-sc0`, it says:
> Once a "track-sc*" rule is executed, the key is looked up in the table
and if it is not found, an entry is allocated for it. Then a pointer to
that entry is kept during all the session's life

This sounds like the sticky counter is tracked for the duration of the
http session: "entry is kept during all the **session's** life". However
this does not seem to be the case as when I log sc0_conn_cur, clients
that are sitting idle between http requests are not counted.

Am I interpreting the documentation incorrectly, or is the documentation


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