Hi Caleb Anthony.

Caleb Anthony have written on Wed, 17 May 2017 15:42:44 -0600:

> Hello,
> Compression is enabled on a few backends, but not on the backend that
> traffic is going to for these requests. However, IIS is configured to
> compress the traffic.
> HA-Proxy version 1.6.11 2016/12/25


> Here is my config, hopefully with the internal things sanitized with
> "XXX" it still makes sense. If not I can send one off list. I also
> removed all the backends other than the one that the traffic is going
> to. I also am doing this on my phone, so hopefully the formatting
> isn't a total mess...

Well sorry but which frontend / backend combo is relevant in this XXX

> global
>         daemon
>         description XXX
>         group haproxy
>         log local0
>         node XXX
>         spread-checks 3
>         tune.bufsize 32768
>         user haproxy
> defaults
>         balance source
>         errorfile 408 /dev/null
>         mode http
>         option abortonclose
>         option allbackups
>         option contstats
>         option forwardfor
>         option http-keep-alive
>         option httpchk
>         option httplog
>         option prefer-last-server
>         option redispatch
>         option splice-auto
>         option tcp-smart-accept
>         option tcp-smart-connect

Are you sure that all this options are requierd for all your backends?


>         stats enable
>         stats refresh 30s
>         stats show-desc XXX
>         stats show-legends
>         stats show-node XXX
>         stats uri /haproxy_stats
>         timeout client 180s             # Timeout applies when the
> client is expected to acknowledge or send data
>         timeout connect 15s             # Maximum time to wait for a
> connection attempt to a server to succeed
>         timeout http-keep-alive 30s     # How long to wait for a new
> HTTP request after a response was sent
>         timeout http-request 30s        # This timeout only applies
> to the header part of the request
>         timeout server 180s             # Timeout applies when the
> server is expected to acknowledge or send data
> mailers XXX_Mailers
>         mailer XXX_SMTP XXX:25
> # XXX
> resolvers XXX_Resolvers
>         nameserver XXX
>         nameserver XXX
> resolvers XXX_Resolvers
>         nameserver XXX
>         nameserver XXX
> resolvers XXX_Resolvers
>         nameserver XXX
>         nameserver XXX
> resolvers XXX_Resolvers
>         nameserver XXX
>         nameserver XXX
> resolvers XXX_Resolvers
>         nameserver XXX
>         nameserver XXX
> frontend XXX_HTTP
>         bind *:80 defer-accept
>         # Host header ACLs
>         #-----------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
>        acl XXX hdr(host) -m reg -i XXX
>         acl XXX_val hdr(host) -m reg -i XXX
>         acl XXX_dev hdr(host) -m reg -i XXX
>         acl XXX hdr(host) -m reg -i XXX
>         acl XXX_val hdr(host) -m reg -i XXX
>         acl XXX_dev hdr(host) -m reg -i XXX
>         acl XXX hdr(host) -m reg -i XXX
>         acl XXX hdr(host) -m reg -i XXX
>         acl XXX hdr(host) -m reg -i XXX
>         # Project ACLs
>         #-----------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
>         acl XXX url_beg -i /XXX
>         acl XXX url_beg -i /XXX
>         acl XXX url_beg -i /XXX
>         acl XXX url_beg -i /XXX
>         acl XXX url_beg -i /XXX
>         acl XXX url_beg -i /XXX
>         acl XXX url_beg -i /XXX
>         # Crawler ACLs
>         #-----------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
>         acl crawler hdr(User-Agent) -m sub -i XXX
>         # Backend ACLs
>         #-----------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
>         acl XXX nbsrv(XXX) eq 1
>         acl XXX nbsrv(XXX) eq 1
>         # Bypass ACLs
>         #-----------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
>         acl XXX req.cook(XXX) -m found
>         log global
>         # Delete some headers
>         #-----------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
>         # Force the use of NTLM
>         # rspidel ^WWW-Authenticate:\ Negotiate$
>         # Request routing
>         #-----------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
>         # XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         # XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         # If XXX cookie is set, go direct to the XXX backend,
> otherwise
>         # try the XXX backend first, with a failover to the XXX
> backend if needed
>         # XXX Production
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         # XXX Validation
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         # XXX Development
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         #XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         #XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         # XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         # XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         # All other traffic
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
>         use_backend XXX if XXX
> frontend XXX_Monitor
>         bind *:81-83
>         log global
>         monitor-uri /
>         option forceclose
> #-----------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> backend XXX_Production_HTTP
>         email-alert mailers XXX_Mailers
>         email-alert from XXX
>         email-alert level notice
>         email-alert to XXX
>         server XXX XXX:80 check inter 5s port 81 resolvers
> XXX_Resolvers slowstart 60s
>         server XXX XXX:80 check inter 5s port 81 resolvers
> XXX_Resolvers slowstart 60s
>         server XXX XXX:80 backup check inter 5s port 81 resolvers
> XXX_Resolvers
>         server XXX XXX:80 backup check inter 5s port 81 resolvers
> XXX_Resolvers
>         server XXX XXX:80 backup check inter 5s port 81 resolvers
> XXX_Resolvers
>         server XXX XXX:80 backup check inter 5s port 81 resolvers
> XXX_Resolvers
>         server XXX XXX:80 backup check inter 5s port 81 resolvers
> XXX_Resolvers
>         server XXX XXX:80 backup check inter 5s port 81 resolvers
> XXX_Resolvers
>         server XXX XXX:80 backup check inter 5s port 81 resolvers
> XXX_Resolvers
>         server XXX XXX:80 backup check inter 5s port 81 resolvers
> XXX_ResolversOn May 16, 2017 3:08 PM, "Aleksandar Lazic"
> <al-hapr...@none.at> wrote:
> Hi Caleb Anthony.
> Caleb Anthony have written on Mon, 15 May 2017 19:10:30 -0600:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I've got a strange issue with our deployment of HAProxy 1.6 where a
> > user will make a request to a page, and as each page element comes
> > in, the time taken shown on each file downloaded in the IE developer
> > tools increases by a factor of 3, until finally the user is prompted
> > for credentials, but the page load never continues. I should mention
> > that this is an ASP.NET web application running with Integrated
> > Windows Authentication on IIS 8. I know, I know, IE + IIS + IWA =
> > terrible, but it's hard for the enterprise to not use these
> > platforms internally, especially the IWA single sign on part.
> >
> > So a request looks like this in the developer tools:
> >
> > mainpage.aspx - HTTP 200 - 130.04KB - 421ms
> > css file - HTTP 200 - 1.51KB - 296ms
> > css file - HTTP 200 - 14.93KB - 0.96s
> > css file - HTTP 200 - 13.99KB - 2.73s
> > css file - HTTP 200 - 29.92KB - 8.14s
> > css file - HTTP 200 - 23.44KB - 24.36s
> > webresource.axd - Pending - Pending - Pending (this is where the
> > user is prompted for credentials)
> >
> > And on that last file is where it then prompts for credentials,
> > which never works because I believe that HAProxy has hit the
> > timeout and closed the connection, and breaking IWA.
> >
> > I should mention that our HAProxy server works great 99.9% of the
> > time, and we do a lot of L7 load balancing on different URLs, and
> > host headers, and we handle a good amount of traffic that returns
> > page elements in ms, and it also handles Integrated Windows Auth
> > fine
> > - most of the time. It's just these occasional things that have me
> > at a loss.
> >
> > Any suggestions from the mailing list?  
> Is compression enabled?
> In more general way.
> Please can you send us the output of haproxy -vv and the haproxy conf,
> thanks
> Can you reproduce this behavior only for one client/enduser or for
> several?
> Regards
> aleks

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