On Jun 28, 2017 16:58, "Patrick Hemmer" <hapr...@stormcloud9.net> wrote:

We instead need a way to differentiate (count) connections held open and
sitting in the Lua delay function, and connections being processed by a

My wishlist would be per-client queueing, sort of a source IP or XFF-based
maxconn.  How sweet would that be?

Without addressing some potential issues with your solution, such as the
potential for requests being handled out of order (#7 processes before #6
if it arrives after two of #1-#5 finish while #6 waits), it seems like
maybe the http_first_req fetch would be useful?  It's not a given that the
redirect would reuse the same connection, but it might be worth a shot.


Or, modify the query string for the redirect, to append another parameter
(or create a query string if there isn't one).  I have a setup that
rewrites a 404 over to a 302 and adds a query string parameter to tell
HAProxy to use a different backend for the subsequent request... I use this
as a hackaround for the fact that we don't have a way for HAProxy to retain
and resend idempotent [ Willy :) ] requests to a different backend (which
would be another wishlist item for me) on certain errors. Same idea --
behave differently after a redirect than before it, even though the
redirect sends the browser back to (essentially) the same URL.  I redirect
to the same base with ?action=refresh appended, which the proxy interprets
to mean the request should route to the alternate backend.

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