On 3 Jul 2017 8:35 am, "Igor Cicimov" <ig...@encompasscorporation.com>

On 3 Jul 2017 6:47 am, "Daren Sefcik" <dsef...@hightechhigh.org> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Igor Cicimov <ig...@encompasscorporation.com
> wrote:

> On 29 Jun 2017 2:46 am, "Daren Sefcik" <dsef...@hightechhigh.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 8:12 AM, Olivier Doucet <webmas...@ajeux.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 2017-06-28 16:47 GMT+02:00 Daren Sefcik <dsef...@hightechhigh.org>:
>>> Hi, I have searched for an answer to this and tried several things but
>>> cannot seem to figure it out so am hoping someone can point me in the right
>>> direction. I have different backend proxy servers (squid) setup to handle
>>> specifically HTTP and HTTPS traffic but cannot figure out how to tell
>>> haproxy to tell the difference and send appropriately.
>>> For example, I have
>>> frontend proxy_servers
>>> backend http_proxies
>>> backend https_proxies
>>> how can I tell frontend to send all http traffic to backend http_proxies
>>> and all https traffic to https_backend? I have tried using dst_port 443 and
>>> the acl https ssl_fc but nothing seems to distinguish https traffic.
>> Well, it should work. Send a copy of your config to see what's wrong in
>> it.
>> Olivier
>>> TIA...
> Here is an example, it continues to direct all https traffic to the web
> proxy and not the streaming media one.
> frontend HTPL_PROXY
>       bind           name
>       mode                    http
>       log                     global
>       option                  http-server-close
>       option                  forwardfor
>       acl https ssl_fc
>       http-request set-header         X-Forwarded-Proto http if !https
>       http-request set-header         X-Forwarded-Proto https if https
>       maxconn                 90000
>       timeout client          10000
>       option tcp-smart-accept
>       acl                     is_youtube      hdr_sub(host) -i youtube.com
>       acl                     is_netflix      hdr_sub(host) -i netflix.com
>       acl                     is_nflixvideo   hdr_sub(host) -i nflxvideo.net
>       acl                     is_googlevideo  hdr_sub(host) -i googlevideo.com
>       acl                     is_google       hdr_sub(host) -i google.com
>       acl                     is_pandora      hdr_sub(host) -i pandora.com
>       acl                     is_https        dst_port eq 443
>       use_backend HTPL_STREAMING_MEDIA_PROXY_http_ipvANY  if  is_youtube
>       use_backend HTPL_STREAMING_MEDIA_PROXY_http_ipvANY  if  is_netflix
>       use_backend HTPL_STREAMING_MEDIA_PROXY_http_ipvANY  if  is_nflixvideo
>       use_backend HTPL_STREAMING_MEDIA_PROXY_http_ipvANY  if  is_googlevideo
>       use_backend HTPL_STREAMING_MEDIA_PROXY_http_ipvANY  if  is_pandora
>       use_backend HTPL_STREAMING_MEDIA_PROXY_http_ipvANY  if  is_https
>       default_backend HTPL_WEB_PROXY_http_ipvANY
> Obviously dst_port 443 method can not work since you are listening on port
> 8181. Since both protocols are on same port you can try in tcp mode:
> mode tcp
> option tcplog
> bind *:8181
> tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
> acl is_ssl req.ssl_hello_type 1

Thank you, I have tried that with the below config and it still sends all
traffic to the default backend instead of my ssl backend, any other ideas?

frontend HTPL_PROXY
        bind           name

        mode                    tcp
        log                     global
        maxconn                 90000
        timeout client          10000
        option tcp-smart-accept
        tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
        acl                     is_ssl  req.ssl_hello_type 1
        use_backend HTPL_SSL_PROXY_tcp_ipvANY  if  is_ssl
        default_backend HTPL_WEB_PROXY_tcp_ipvANY

Only explenation i can see is that no ssl traffik is hitting haproxy at
least not on port 8181

Or the ip it is bind to

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