I have configured a backend as follows:

backend be-testing
        mode http
        option httpclose
        option http_proxy

and hit this using Google's IP as:
     wget  --header="Host:"; <vip>

but this fails with 503 error, debug shows:
00000003:fp-testing.clireq[0009:ffffffff]: GET / HTTP/1.1
00000003:fp-testing.clihdr[0009:ffffffff]: User-Agent: Wget/1.16 (linux-gnu)
00000003:fp-testing.clihdr[0009:ffffffff]: Accept: */*
00000003:fp-testing.clihdr[0009:ffffffff]: Host:
00000003:fp-testing.clihdr[0009:ffffffff]: Connection: Keep-Alive

What am I doing wrong? Is it also possible to use DNS name with a newer
version of HAProxy?

- Krishna

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