Hi Liam,

Liam Middlebrook wrote on 24.07.2017:

> Hi,

> I'm currently running HAProxy within an Openshift Origin cluster. Until
> a recent update of Openshift I did not experience issues with connection
> timeouts, the connections would last up until the specified timeout as
> defined by the application.
> After an update to Openshift I changed HAProxy settings around to give a
> global 600s timeout for client and server. However when I make a form
> upload request the connection is killed after 30 seconds. When I signal
> an XHR Replay in my network inspector the connection lasts longer than
> the 30 seconds and is able to successfully upload the file.

This smells like this timeout.

Length of time within which a server has to acknowledge or send data. 


You can change it via.

I assume here that you have the openshift router in the default 
namespace and the router is deployed as "router".

Too much routers here ;-)

oc env -n default dc/router ROUTER_DEFAULT_SERVER_TIMEOUT=1h

> I asked in irc with no luck. Any ideas why this may be happening?

Do you mean the #openshift-dev channel on Freenode?

> Thanks,
> Liam Middlebrook (loothelion)

Best Regards

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