On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 6:03 PM, Charlie Elgholm <char...@brightly.se>

> Thanks!
> I was really hoping for acl-validation on the basis of the response from
> the backend server, and not on the incoming request at the frontend.
> And, as much as I really like lua as a language, I'd rather keep my
> haproxy with as small footprint as possible. =)
> Really nice example about all the possibilities though, thanks!
> This is how all examples I find operate:
> incoming request => haproxy => frontend => acl based on what's known about
> the incoming requests => A or B
> A: backend => stream backend response to client
> B: tarpit / reject
> I would like this:
> incoming request => haproxy => frontend => backend => acl based on what's
> known about the response from the backend => A or B
> A: stream backend response to client
> B: tarpit / reject
> 2017-07-28 9:52 GMT+02:00 Igor Cicimov <ig...@encompasscorporation.com>:
>> On 28 Jul 2017 5:41 pm, "Charlie Elgholm" <char...@brightly.se> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Either I'm too stupid, or it's because it's Friday....
>> Can you tarpit/reject (or other action) based on a response from the
>> backend?
>> You should be able to, right?
>> Like this:
>> tcp-response content tarpit/reject if res.hdr(X-Tarpit-This)
>> Can someone explain this to me? (Free beer.)
>> I have a fairly complex ruleset on my backend server, written in Oracle
>> PL/SQL, which monitors Hack- or DoS-attempts, and I would love to tarpit
>> some requests on the frontend (by haproxy) based on something that happens
>> on my backend.
>> As I do now I return a 503 response from the server, and iptable-block
>> those addresses for a while. But since they see the 503 response they'll
>> return at a later date and try again. I would like the connection to just
>> die (drop, no response at all) or tarpit (long timeout, so they give up). I
>> suppose/hope they'll eventually remove my IP from their databases.
>> I'm guessing a tarpit is smarter than a reject, since the reject will
>> indicate to the attacker that somethings exist behind the server IP.
>> An iptable "drop" would be preferable, but I guess that's a little late
>> since haproxy has already acknowledged the connection to the attacker.
>> --
>> Regards
>> Charlie Elgholm
>> Brightly AB
>> Good example of delay with lua: http://godevops.net/2015/
>> 06/24/adding-random-delay-specific-http-requests-haproxy-lua/
> --
> Regards
> Charlie Elgholm
> Brightly AB

Well the idea is to redirect the response on the backend (based on some
condition) to a local frontend​ where you can use the tarpit on the request.

You cam also try:

http-response silent-drop if { status 503 }

that you can use in the backed (at least in 1.7.8, not sure for other

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