On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 02:26:29PM -0700, Justin Karneges wrote:
> Hi,
> When HAProxy is shut down gracefully, my understanding is that it waits
> for all open connections to be closed before it will terminate. However,
> if the connections don't ever close then HAProxy may never shut down (or
> perhaps it takes a very long time, I'm not sure). This is mainly a
> problem with long-lived connections that remain continuously active, so
> timeouts won't trigger either.
> Is there a way to configure HAProxy to have a maximum graceful shutdown
> time? For example it would stop listening for new connections
> immediately, and then after a specified amount of time it would close
> all connections and terminate, regardless of what kind of activity might
> be going on within those connections.
> Otherwise my plan is to create a cron job that kills old haproxy
> processes on a delay. Would be nice if there were a better option
> though.
> Thanks for any suggestion.
> Justin

The "hard-stop-after" keyword do what you want:


William Lallemand

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