On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Cyril Bonté <cyril.bo...@free.fr> wrote:

> Well health checks or not, the state file reflects the state you want.
> You can absolutely imagine cases where health checks were never activated,
> and someone used the CLI to set a server DOWN. If you save the servers
> state and reload haproxy, You'd certainly want to have that server still
> DOWN (which is a different state than DOWN for maintenance, the one set by
> the "disabled" keyword).

Hello Cyril,

Well, you can also think of this use case which I find legit:
- you don't have probe
- you want to have probe so you add one and reload haproxy
- you realize your probe does not do want you intended, your backends are
turning down
- you panic, you decide to rollback to the previous working configuration
and reload haproxy
- it still does not work
- you panic :)

How can we make this rollback-to-previous-configuration works in this case ?


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