On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 12:36:31PM +0200, Emmanuel Hocdet wrote:
> > Le 27 oct. 2017 ?? 11:22, Emmanuel Hocdet <m...@gandi.net> a ??crit :
> > 
> > Hi Olivier
> > 
> >> Le 27 oct. 2017 ?? 01:08, Olivier Houchard <ohouch...@haproxy.com> a 
> >> ??crit :
> >> 
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> You'll find attached updated patches, rebased on the latest master, and on
> >> top of Emmanuel's latest patches (also attached for reference).
> >> This version allows to enable 0RTT per SNI.
> >> It unfortunately still can't send early data to servers, this may or may
> >> not happen later.
> > 
> > why add BC_SSL_O_EARLY_DATA?
> > the information could be set in  conf->default_ssl_conf->early_data like
> > in the same manner as per certificat configuration.
> okay it???s bind_conf->ssl_conf.early_data   (my quick patch was not the good 
> one)
> You add allow-0rtt in global ssl_options, originally is only for ssl options 
> (api) and i???m not sure
> it???s really necessary for this special feature.

That indeed would do the trick, I'll change that.



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