I believe Docker Swarm has a similar API.
Is the code for you listener public?

From: Soluti Quintiliano [mailto:quintili...@soluti.com.br]
Sent: November-06-17 2:08 PM
To: Norman Branitsky <norman.branit...@micropact.com>
Cc: haproxy@formilux.org
Subject: Re: HAProxy as a frontend for Docker Swarm deployment

I don't know how this would be done to Docker Swarm, but we are using HAproxy 
in front of Kubernetes cluster with automatic HAproxy configuration for each 
new services which need external access.

We just wrote an listener to the Kubernetes API whom update HAProxy as needed. 
We choose to change HAproxy and reload it when changes occurs but you can also 
write directly to its sockets for include/exclude backends.


2017-11-06 16:59 GMT-02:00 Norman Branitsky 
I just found out another group has started deploying microservice based apps on 
Docker Swarm
using Traefik<https://docs.traefik.io/> saying:

“we are starting to deploy applications designed as microservices , but have 
chosen Traefik for our ability
to dynamically add sites based on Docker Service label.”

Having read the docs, it appears to be reasonable for internal exposure only.
With respect to dynamic configuration based on Docker Service label,
how does this compare vis a vis HAProxy?


Norman Branitsky
Cloud Architect
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