Thanks for the reply. Your theory is absolutely correct. Though we could not 
print out the logs, we did the following to confirm:
  1. Changed acl to
     acl isfail res.payload(0,3) -m beg 220
 2. We could see the gpc0 getting hit and incremented.
  So this means that our approach will not work. We would much prefer to do 
small tweaks in HAProxy than put in a separate SMTP Application proxy for this 
(as we are much more confident about HAProxy capability).
  Before giving up on HAProxy for this, we would like to try just one more time.
  1. Is there any way to intercept start of every server response traffic 
stream, and compare it against "5"? 
  2. Could LUA scripting give a solution?
-----Original Message-----

Probably the problem you are having is that HAProxy is only checking the first 
server reply which is 220.
In fact, in TCP mode load balancing decisions (ACLs and such,..) are taken for 
the whole connection (In HTTP mode, decisions are taken per request.).
In this case the  res.payload(0,3) is only checked for the first server reply 
and decision will be taken for the whole connecion (so no further ACL 
executions for other responses).
I have checked with an smtp server, and it is the first to talk whenever a new 
connection is established (220 blabla ) so res.payload(0,3),hex -m sub 53 will 
never match.
You can print the content of the payload using the following config:

 log-format %ci:%cp\ [%t]\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %Tq/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Tt\ %ST\ %B\ %CC\ %CS\ 
%tsc\ %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\ %hr\ %hs\ %[var(sess.smtpresp]\ %{+Q}r
 tcp-response  content set-var(sess.smtpresp) res.payload(0,3)

On 20/11/2017 08:34, SAFENTRIX Administrator wrote:

 Thanks for the quick response. We changed the configuration as follows and it 
still does not work. The problem seems to be getting the response payload and 
comparing it against letter "5". We have also tried upgrading to 1.7.9 and face 
the same issue. The stick table does not get updated at all.
Is the format of the ACL fine? Also is there any way we can make haproxy print 
out the contents of res.payload(0,3) to ensure that we are comparing against 
the proper string?
Also we are using "mode tcp". Will res.payload work with this mode?
 frontend      nsmtpproxy
         bind :25 transparent
         mode tcp
         tcp-request connection track-sc0 src table nappsmtp
         tcp-request connection reject if { sc0_get_gpc0 gt 2 }
         option tcplog
         default_backend nappsmtp
backend nappsmtp

     source usesrc clientip
     mode tcp
     acl isfail res.payload(0,3),hex -m sub 53
     stick-table type ip size 30k expire 30m store gpc0
     tcp-response content sc-inc-gpc0(0) if isfail
     server smtp1 check inter 60000
    server smtp2 check inter 60000  
    option smtpchk

 ** END

 -----Original Message-----

 On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 09:19:33AM -0500, SAFENTRIX Administrator wrote:
 > We are using HAProxy v 1.6.4 for SMTP load balancing (in transparent mode)
 > and it works fine.
 > Now we want to block connections from IP addresses that abuse the Email
 > server.
 > One way to identify this is by looking at connections where server returns a
 > response starting with letter "5" (SMTP permanent error codes start with
 > this).
 > We are trying to implement this in HAProxy, but it is not working. I have
 > put the relevant parts of haproxy.conf in here.
 > ** START
 > frontend nsmtpproxy
 > bind :25 transparent
 > mode tcp
 > tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
 > tcp-request connection reject if { src_conn_cnt(nappsmtp) gt 2 }
 > default_backend nappsmtp
 > backend nappsmtp
 > source usesrc clientip
 > mode tcp
 > acl isfail res.payload(0,3) -m beg 5
 > stick-table type ip size 30k expire 30m store conn_cnt
 > stick store-response src_updt_conn_cnt if isfail
 > server smtp1 check inter 60000
 > server smtp2 check inter 60000
 > option smtpchk
 > ** END
 > Pl let us know where we are going wrong.

 I'm seeing something wrong indeed. "stick store-response" is only used
 to perform some stickiness, that's not what you want. If I were you,
 I'd instead use the gpt0 tag to indicate that the client was refused
 by the server. The frontend would then do this :

 tcp-request connection track-sc0 src table nappsmtp
 tcp-request connection reject if { sc0_get_gpt0 gt 0 }

 and the backend :

 tcp-response content sc-set-gpt0(0) 1 if isfail

 This will mark the IP in the table on the first occurrence of a 5xx
 response. If you want to leave a small margin to start blocking after
 the 3rd failure as you did, better then the gpc0 counter then.

 Hoping this helps,

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