Hallo Daniel,

2017-11-21 10:08 GMT+01:00 Daniel Schneller <daniel.schnel...@centerdevice.com>:
> However, I see lots of 4xx errors counted on the central LBs. I have tracked
> those down to being caused by the health checks of all the sidecars,
> checking in every few seconds to see if their backends are healthy.
> The log shows this:
> Nov 21 09:58:08 loadbalancer-01 haproxy-internal[4053]:
> [21/Nov/2017:09:58:08.277] api_internal~ api_internal/<NOSRV> -1/-1/-1/-1/0
> 400 0 - - CR-- 43/1/0/0/3 0/0 {} "<BADREQ>"
> [...]
> Is there anything I can do to “make them both happy”?
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Yes, we have "option dontlognull" for that:


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