
------ Originalnachricht ------
Von: "slene" <vsl...@gmail.com>
An: haproxy@formilux.org
Gesendet: 05.12.2017 11:36:27
Betreff: server DOWN and can not auto restore to MAINT state when use DNS SRV resolvers

I'm a new fisher of haproxy. I have some question when I use consul and registrator for service discovery. And use haproxy as balancer.

My steps:

1. running two container and publish port 80 but not really listening to 80.
What does this mean?

2. haproxy found two server failed status: 0/9 DOWN. (not tried times, only once)
3. remove two container and SRV records already empty.
4. haproxy found two server failed and enters maintenance.
5. now two server are full DOWN and can not enter MAINT state. must be restore manual by myself (set state to MAINT -> health force up -> set state to READY)

I think the servers should change state to MAINT and ready for DNS SRV records available instead of just DOWN and need restore manual. Am I right?

Is it a bug? Or I miss something. Thanks.

config and logs:

Cool you use the new server-template feature ;-)

As you writen in 3 there is "DNS NX" (=> no dns entry) for all 3 servers, what do you expect when the resolver can't find a ip or srv entry?


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