On 17/01/2018 15:56, Olivier Houchard wrote:
>> So, as a conclusion, I'm just not sure that producing this warning is
>> relevant in case the IP is duplicated for several servers *if they are
>> disabled*...
> Or maybe we should just advocate using when we mean "no IP" :)
Not sure about that, is not valid in the config in this case but
it is in some others (thinking about "bind" for ex.)

Advertising it can be a bit confusing.

> It would be a bit painful, though doable, to don't check if the server is
> disabled, but to add the check when server is enabled. I don't know if
> it's worth it.

To me this would be the best (functionally speaking, don't know about
the performances aspects :) ), since in the context of cookies, you
probably doing it wrong if you enable 2 servers with the same IP.

But server-templates are a good use-case in which you want to be able to
do what you want with disabled servers.

To be discussed with people on your side ? we can clearly live with both


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