Sorry, I know this list is super busy and that there are a number of other more 
important issues that need to be worked through but I'm hoping one of the 
maintainers has been able to confirm this bug?


> On Jan 17, 2018, at 10:27 AM, Paul Lockaby <> wrote:
> Ok I've tracked this problem down specifically to the usage of check tracking.
> That is to say, the backend "example-api" is set to track the backend 
> "example-http". When that tracking is enabled and one of the servers in the 
> backend goes down then all of haproxy goes down and never recovers.
> So this works:
>    server myhost ssl ca-file 
> /usr/local/ssl/certs/cacerts.cert
> But this does not:
>    server myhost track example-http/myhost ssl 
> ca-file /usr/local/ssl/certs/cacerts.cert
> This is definitely a regression from 1.7 because I used this feature in 1.7 
> without issue.
>> On Jan 16, 2018, at 10:36 PM, Paul Lockaby <> wrote:
>> I'm experiencing a problem that I can't diagnose but I can recreate pretty 
>> consistently. I have a single server that responds for and 
>> and it runs haproxy. All the names run through an SSL front 
>> door but an ACL makes it such that requests for get sent to 8443 
>> where Apache runs and requests for get sent to 8445 where 
>> the same instance of haproxy runs and does further examination of the 
>> request and sends it to an application server running on localhost.
>> This configuration works great except when I take a server out of the 
>> rotation by disabling it with disable-on-404. As soon as I take any server 
>> out of the rotation, haproxy completely stops responding to ANY requests for 
>> ANY backend even things that aren't part of the group such as the stats 
>> backend and frontend. If I put the server back in to service haproxy does 
>> not recover. I must restart haproxy on all hosts to recover. Nothing shows 
>> up in the logs and I can't figure out how to debug it such that I can 
>> provide more information but it's very consistently reproducible using the 
>> configuration below. I am running 1.8.3 and I have not tried this on 1.7 or 
>> earlier versions of 1.8.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> -Paul
>> global
>>   log /dev/log local0
>>   user nobody
>>   group nobody
>>   tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
>>   stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock user nobody group nobody
>>   daemon
>> defaults
>>   timeout connect 5000ms
>>   timeout client 600000ms
>>   timeout server 600000ms
>>   option httplog
>>   option forwardfor
>>   option http-server-close
>>   option contstats
>> frontend stats-frontend
>>   bind *:2999
>>   mode http
>>   log global
>>   stats enable
>>   stats uri /haproxy
>> backend stats-backend
>>   mode http
>>   log global
>>   server stats /var/run/haproxy.sock check
>> frontend secured
>>   # get the list of certificate options from a list in a file
>>   bind *:443 ssl crt-list /srv/haproxy/certificates.lst
>>   mode http
>>   log global
>>   # tell backend connections what our ssl client cn is
>>   http-request set-header X-SSL-Client-Verify %[ssl_c_verify]
>>   http-request set-header X-SSL-Client-DN %{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn]
>>   http-request set-header X-SSL-Client-CN %{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn(cn)]
>>   http-request set-header X-SSL-Issuer-DN %{+Q}[ssl_c_i_dn]
>>   http-request set-header X-SSL-Issuer-CN %{+Q}[ssl_c_i_dn(cn)]
>>   acl server-status path_beg /server-
>>   use_backend bogus-http if server-status
>>   # connection requests for apis go to the api backends
>>   acl request_api hdr_beg(Host) -i api.
>>   use_backend example-api if request_api
>>   default_backend example-http
>> backend example-http
>>   mode http
>>   log global
>>   balance source
>>   hash-type consistent
>>   option httpchk GET /haproxy/alive.txt
>>   http-check disable-on-404
>>   server myhost check ssl ca-file 
>> /usr/local/ssl/certs/cacerts.cert
>> backend bogus-http
>>   mode http
>>   errorfile 503 /netops/www/haproxy/403.http
>> backend example-api
>>   mode http
>>   log global
>>   balance roundrobin
>>   option httpchk GET /haproxy/alive.txt
>>   http-check disable-on-404
>>   server myhost track example-http/myhost ssl 
>> ca-file /usr/local/ssl/certs/cacerts.cert
>> frontend localhost-api-frontend
>>   bind *:8445 ssl crt /usr/local/ssl/certs/
>>   mode http
>>   log global
>>   option forwardfor if-none
>>   option dontlog-normal
>>   # the alerts api backend
>>   acl alerts-api_host hdr_beg(Host) -i api.alerts
>>   use_backend localhost-api-backend-alerts if alerts-api_host
>>   default_backend bogus-http
>> backend localhost-api-backend-alerts
>>   mode http
>>   log global
>>   option forwardfor if-none
>>   option dontlog-normal
>>   server localhost localhost:4002
>> And the certificates.lst file referenced above looks like this:
>> # this order is because we need to work with older clients that don't
>> # speak sni and this works for them in our setup.
>> /usr/local/ssl/certs/ *
>> /usr/local/ssl/certs/ [ca-file 
>> /usr/local/ssl/certs/example-ca.cert verify optional]

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