This looks to be related to this issue as well. I do not know exactly when it 
was introduced as we went from 1.7.9 to 1.8.3 last Friday.

Erik Larson

Server Administrator
Linux Systems & Web
Arizona State University | University Technology Office<>

From: Erik Larson
Sent: Friday, February 9, 2018 8:50:30 AM
Subject: Session cookie insert not being sent

Hello all,

We have a backend that uses 4 MS_NET servers.  Ee insert a persistence cookie 
for the session via haproxy.  In 1.8.3 it appears the session cookie is no 
longer being sent or is being lost in the 300 responses. I've downgraded the 
farm to 1.7.9 for the time being.


Check-HAProxy\r\nConnection:\ close\r\n
  cookie ASUSESSION insert indirect nocache httponly secure domain



SR Server Administrator
Linux Systems & Web
Arizona State University | University Technology Office

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