Hi Franks,

On 28/03/2018 14:11, Franks Andy (IT Technical Architecture Manager) wrote:
> Hi all,
>   Hopefully an easy one, but I can’t really find the solution.
> We’ve come up with a control system for haproxy, where we manually can
> clear stick table entries from a GUI. We’re also using a cookie to set
> the server in a backend as we’re expecting to deal with clients behind
> a nat device.
> It’s the customers (just internal IT in another dept) request that
> they should be able to close down a stick table entry and have the
> client not be able to go to that stick-table selected server AT ALL,
> even when presenting a cookie.
> It seems to me that HA is designed to allow these cookie selected
> server connections irrespective of the stick table entries, so there
> are two ways to continue to me:
> 1)      Have the application remove the separate cookie we insert when
> the application gets logged off or times out (timeout happens at 15
> minutes of app idle time).
> 2)      We get HAProxy to control the expiry time of the cookie we
> send over, and refresh that expiry each time a transaction happens.
> 3)      Live with the imbalance of clients from NATted source ip
> addresses and ditch the cookie insertion.
> We would all prefer #2, since the devs don’t want to spend time
> redeveloping, and HAProxy can seemingly do just about anything! #3
> would work, but removing entries from the stick table during testing
> or certain maintenance may well remove more than just the intended target.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Andy
For solution #2 you can use the "maxlife" param of the "cookie"
When the date in maxlife has expired the cookie will be ignored which
means haproxy will choose a different server but there is no clean way
to refresh the expiry date without updating the date in the cookie with
the "replace-header" action. This won't be easy because the date is an
internal haproxy format.

So if you don't want to spend time redeveloping the application you can
still go with solution #1 by removing the persistence cookie in haproxy
using something like (  http-request replace-header Cookie SRV=[^;]*;? '
' if ACL )


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