On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 12:29 AM, Jim Deville <jdevi...@malwarebytes.com>

> Attaching an anonymized PCAP from yesterday. The first two packets are the
> request and response for 4 servers, the second pair is the request and
> response for 3. The 3-server response parses successfully, and Jonathan was
> able to find that the 4-server response ends up hitting here
> https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy/blob/master/src/dns.c#L425.
> I'd be happy for any workaround or explanation of what we could do
> differently, and happy to help get more info, or to try out a patch in our
> environment to confirm a fix if this is a bug as it seems.
> Jim
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Jim Deville
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 19, 2018 6:00:07 PM
> *To:* haproxy@formilux.org
> *Cc:* Jonathan Works
> *Subject:* Issue with parsing DNS from AWS
> We have a setup with ECS and AWS's Service Discovery being load balanced
> by HAProxy in order to support sticky sessions for WebSocket handshakes,
> and we're working on making it more efficient by upgrading to 1.8.9 and
> taking advantage of seamless reloads and DNS service discovery. We have a
> solution almost working, however, we're seeing an issue during scaling when
> the DNS response crosses a certain size.
> We're using the following config (anonymized): https://gist.
> github.com/jredville/523de951d5ab6b60a0d345516bcf46d4
> What we're seeing is:
>   * if we bring up 3 target servers, they come up as healthy, and traffic
> is routed appropriately. If we restart haproxy, it comes up healthy
>   * if we then scale to 4 or more servers, the 4th and additional are
> never recognized, however, the first 3 stay healthy
>   * if we restart haproxy with 4 or more servers, no servers come up
> healthy
> We've attempted to modify the init-addr setting, accepted_payload_size,
> check options, and we've tried with and without a server-template and this
> is the behavior we consistently see. If we run strace over haproxy, we see
> it making the DNS requests but never updating the state of the servers. At
> this point we're not sure if we have something wrong in config or if there
> is a bug in how haproxy parses responses from AWS. Johnathan (cc'd) has
> pcap's if that would be helpful as well.
> Thanks,
> Jim

Hi guys,

Thanks for the report and the troubleshooting already done.
Something that would help me a lot, is to be able to reproduce the issue.
2 options from here, either you provide the smallest terraform script which
allows to reproduce the platform or you provide me an access to a temporary
platform so I could troubleshoot live.
(we can carry on this conversation off list of course).


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