2018-06-22 1:13 GMT+10:00 Baptiste <bed...@gmail.com>:

> On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 8:53 AM, Igor Cicimov <igorc@encompasscorporation.
> com> wrote:
>> Hi Dmitriy,
>> On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 12:45 PM, Dmitriy Kuzmin <co6a...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Greetings
>>> I’m using haproxy to load balance readonly queries between redis slaves.
>>> I want to use health check system to exclude slaves from load balancing,
>>> that are in a process of sync with master.
>>> The idea is to look for a string “master_sync_in_progress:1” in response
>>> to “info replication”.
>> ​Is this _exactly_ what is returned?
>> ​
>>> If this string is found then backend should be marked as down.
>>> I’m trying to use “tcp-check expect ! string” (with exclamation mark
>>> [!]) to get this working, but backends are permanently down regardless of
>>> sync status.
>>> During sync (slave’s response contains “master_sync_in_progress:1”)
>>> health check status is “L7RSP,TCPCHK matched unwanted content
>>> 'master_sync_in_progress:1' at step 5”.
>>> However, when slave’s response contains “master_sync_in_progress:0”
>>> (sync finished) health check status is “L7TOUT, at step 5 of tcp-check
>>> (expect string 'master_sync_in_progress:1’)”.
>>> Does negation with exclamation mark (!) work with tcp-check at all?
>>> I’ve observed this behaviour in haproxy 1.5.18, 1.7.11 and 1.8.9
>>> Example configuration:
>>> global
>>>     log      local2
>>>     chroot            /var/lib/haproxy
>>>     pidfile           /var/run/haproxy.pid
>>>     maxconn           4000
>>>     user              haproxy
>>>     group             haproxy
>>>     daemon
>>> defaults
>>>     mode                        tcp
>>>     log                         global
>>>     option                      tcplog
>>>     option                      dontlognull
>>>     option                      redispatch
>>>     retries                     3
>>>     timeout http-request        10s
>>>     timeout queue               1m
>>>     timeout connect             10s
>>>     timeout client              1m
>>>     timeout server              1m
>>>     timeout http-keep-alive     10s
>>>     timeout check               10s
>>>     maxconn                     3000
>>> frontend redis_reads_ft
>>>     bind        /var/run/haproxy/redis_reads
>>>     use_backend redis_reads_bk
>>> backend redis_reads_bk
>>>     option log-health-checks
>>>     balance   roundrobin
>>>     option    tcp-check
>>>     tcp-check connect
>>>     tcp-check send PING\r\n
>>>     tcp-check expect string +PONG
>>>     tcp-check send info\ replication\r\n
>>>     tcp-check expect ! string
>>> ​​
>>> master_sync_in_progress:1
>> ​Try using *rstring* intead of *string*.​ I that fails too try escaping
>> the column like "master_sync_in_progress\:1"
>>     tcp-check send QUIT\r\n
>>>     tcp-check expect string +OK
>>>     server sc-redis1_63811 check
>>>     server sc-redis1_63812 check
>>>     server sc-redis1_63813 check
>>> Best regards,
>>> Dmitriy Kuzmin
> I'm not sure what string you're trying to match. Could you paste the
> output of "info replication" somewhere on pastebin or gist?
> Baptiste


Thank you for your reply

Here is full output from "healthy" backend:

Here is full output from "unhealthy" backend:

I'm trying to match a string "master_sync_in_progress:1" which is contained
only in "unhealthy" backend response.

With this rules (mention the exclamation mark):

tcp-check connect
tcp-check send info\ replication\r\n
tcp-check expect ! string master_sync_in_progress:1

i expect that only backends, whose response contains
"master_sync_in_progress:1" will be marked as DOWN.
However, both healthy and unhealthy backends are marked as DOWN.
Unhealthy backends correctly marked as DOWN because there is a match:
"matched unwanted content 'master_sync_in_progress:1 at step 5"
But healthy backends are marked as DOWN too. Because of “L7TOUT, at step 5
of tcp-check (expect string 'master_sync_in_progress:1’)”.
And i'm trying to figure out why is that.
Any guess?

Best regards,
Dmitriy Kuzmin

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