Thats a great news! Thanks.

For the #2 (haproxy to refresh DNS entries when changed), is it possible to
optionally log the NS IPs during every health check?

We recently had an outage for short time related to NameServer's h/w
failure (both primary and secondary went down). We were told that it is
possible for these IPs to change in the future. It never happened so far


On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 6:19 AM, Lukas Tribus <> wrote:

> On Sat, 4 Aug 2018 at 14:21, Igor Cicimov
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 1:50 AM, K3 <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >> We are running into a problem and would like to hear any advice.
> >>
> >> Our Setup:
> >> We use haproxy 1.7.7 with two backends.
> >> One of the backends is AWS ELB
> >> The haproxy is running on a linux machine in our data center (on
> premises)
> >>
> >> Problem:
> >> The ELB is available on 3 AZ so the endpoint can resolve to 3 IPs at a
> given time.
> >> After startup, when one of the ELB's IP changes, our haproxy shows the
> ELB as down with L4TMOUT and never recovers the backend.
> >>
> >> From 1.7.7 doc, under section 5.3.1 we see the below
> >> "A few other events can trigger a name resolution at run time:
> >>
> >>   - when a server's health check ends up in a connection timeout: this
> may be
> >>     because the server has a new IP address. So we need to trigger a
> name
> >>     resolution to know this new IP."
> >>
> >> Its not clear if the resolvers section is required for the above
> statement to be true.
> >>
> >> Unfortunately, we cannot define name server's IPs in our configuration
> since these IPs can change.
> >>
> >> On the system (/etc/resolv.conf), these are automatically updated by
> dhclient.
> >>
> >> Question:
> >>
> >> 1. Is there any way by which haproxy can use the latest DNS entries
> from the system config and use it during the runtime?
> >
> > I just saw this announced in 1.9-dev1
> >
> >
> >   - the "resolvers" section can now be fed directly from resolv.conf
> >     using the "parse-resolv-conf" directive. The DNS code also supports
> >     new options to enable/disable address deduplication within a farm.
> This is on startup only though. Haproxy cannot continuously re-read
> resolv.conf, not even with this feature.
> If the DNS servers on your system keep changing unpredictably, there
> is no solution other than restarting haproxy, with the
> parse-resolv-conf configuration and the haproxy internal resolver.
> Lukas

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