
On Sun, 28 Oct 2018 at 23:47, PiBa-NL <piba.nl....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi List,
> When i enable H2 'alpn h2,http/1.1' on haproxy bind line with offloading
> 'mode http'. The overall loading of a web-application i use takes longer
> than without. (Tried with 1.9-dev5 and previous versions)
> The webapp loads around 25 objects of css/js/images on a page, and when
> using H1 it uses 4 keep-alive connections to retrieve all objects.
> However when enabling H2 on the frontend the connection to the webserver
> (which itself is also made with SSL encryption) is made for every single
> requested object i suspect this is the main reason for the slowdown, it
> now needs to perform the ssl handshake on the backend 25 times.
> Is this by (current) design? Is it planned/possible this will be changed
> before 1.9 release?

Yes and yes, this is what will be fixed be the native HTTP
representation (codenamed HTX), hopefully this is something we will be
able to play with in 1.9-dev6.


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