On 8/11/18 5:48 π.μ., Willy Tarreau wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> On Wed, Nov 07, 2018 at 06:03:14PM -0800, Joseph Herlant wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please find attached a patch to cleanup typos in the changelog.
>> I'm not sure where you stand on cleaning up typos in changelogs,
>> some people totally refuse to allow that, hence a totally separate
>> patch for this. Anyway, here's a cleanup proposal for it.

> Just thinking about something, how did you figure all these typos ?
> By reading everything, or aided by some automated tool or maybe a mix
> of all of this ? I'm asking in case we could try to improve our tools
> to spot mistakes before and after patch submissions.

I'm not a developer but an engineer who writes code when it is needed,
thus I rely on understandable commit description. Once I was told to
write commits like that the first line could be append to the sentence
"If you apply commit it will" and it will make sense. The long commit
description will follow the typical flow of What is the problem->Why it
is a problem->how we solve it.

To avoid typos I simply force my self to "git show" after 5secs I
finished git commit -av. I use spell checker on my editor and if
the commit message is 100lines I may even print it. Do I avoid typos?
Not always, I am getting better.

About understandable commit description, I love Willy's commit
description his commits taught me how I should write them as I have
learned so many things about haproxy by reading his commits.

My 2cents,

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