On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 08:10:15PM +0100, PiBa-NL wrote:
> Ah crap, i 'thought' i took the latest commit from the online branch. And
> stopped looking properly.  I must have been a few minutes to soon or
> something, after i read the dev7 mail.. (and i should have checked i did
> actually compile the expected version..) (which i totally didn't do in the
> excitement about htx and the late time..)

Hehe :-)

> > , and I think the config would be more readable
> > by replacing the "frontend"+"backend" couples with a single "listen"
> > for each.
> Okay true, listen sections would make the config more readable :) . I'm just
> used to make a frontend+backend for almost 'everything'.. (Usually i have
> multiple backends behind one frontend anyhow..)  And also i 'think' it shows
> more clearly in the logging output if it did or didn't get passed from
> frontend to the backend, but maybe thats just my imagination.

No it's not your imagination, that's a good point indeed. The config is
a bit less readable for tests, but I agree that logs are more precise.

> However that still doesn't work yet (as also already seen by Frederic):
> ---- h1    0.2 Bad exit status: 0x008b exit 0x0 signal 11 core 128

Wow, segv, it seems we still have some issues left to be addressed,
thank you :-)

> So i guess the question remains, is the test configured wrongly, or is some
> other improvement still needed?
> (I guess improvement in this case surely is needed as crashing is never the
> right way, even if the input might be 'wrong'.)

We definitely need to understand and fix the crash first before figuring
how to improve the test, if needed at all.


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