Hi Baptiste.

Am 11.12.2018 um 03:29 schrieb Baptiste:
> Hi guys,
> At last AWS conference, I met with a engineer who was using HAProxy to
> load-balance IoT devices through HAProxy using MQTT protocol and he was
> complaining about the poor performance of the server with 10k of devices just
> get reconnecting.

Have you any chance to aks the engineer if your solution have better performance
then his?

> He pointed SSL performance but also authentication (validation of username /
> password).

Do you have some more details about his SSL/TLS performance problem stuff?

> So I wrote a small MQTT library for HAProxy which allows parsing the MQTT
> CONNECT message, the very first one being sent by a client.
> The library allows the following:
> * validation of the message (through a converter)
> * fetch any field from the connect message (client id, username, password,
> etc...) for fun and profit (routing, persistence, rate or concurrent 
> connection
> enforcement, etc...)
> * write your own authentication validation module on top of HAProxy
> The code is there, including some HAProxy configuration examples:
> https://github.com/bedis/haproxy_mqtt_lua
> I hope this will be useful to some of you.
> I am planning to write in native C the converter and the fetch above.

In general , cool ;-)

> Baptiste


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