Hi there, 
I'm Joe from VPNTeacher.com - we're a new site that aims to change the 
landscape of VPN advice sites by offering the most comprehensive and unbiased 
online privacy advice. Between our small team we have many years experience in 
cybersecurity and online privacy, and are hoping to publish a few high-quality 
articles on sites like yours. 
I have some ideas that could work for your site within topics such as PII, 
cryptography, policy, malware and ransomware, etc. and would make it 
appropriate to your audience. 
Here are a couple of samples of my writing: 
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please let me know 
any author guidelines you have, and a few details about who it should be 
written for, and I'll send over some possible titles. 
Many thanks, 
If you don't want to hear from me again, please let me know ( 

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