
Short: sometimes Haproxy ignores "http-request"-rules when NBTHREAD is in use.

1. Haproxy 1.9.8 from source + Debian with 4.19 kernel
2. Large config with thousands backends + 15MB Lua
3. Significant (far from critical) load and extremely often reloads
4. Everything works OK with NBPROC 

When I change NBPROC to NBTHREAD:
1. Everything still works OK according to logs. 
I couldn't find any failed real request.

2. My local monitoring (on the same server) screams about problems up to few 
times each hour. 

This monitoring is simplest ever but a bit uncommon: 
- PHP-script with just empty CURL-request to (each 1-2 
- No domain or any other headers

3. For such monitoring requests (without domain), my Haproxy answers 403 as 

I've tested different ways to provide 403:
- Directly in frontend: http-request deny if !{ req.fhdr(host) -m found }
- And similar with "LUA -> backend -> deny"

Both ways are 100% OK with NBPROC and 99.999% with NBTHREAD ) 

4. The problem.

1 of ~500 checks doesn't return 403. 

At first, seeing mostly 503, - I thought that buggy answers are generated by 
Haproxy, but they are not.

Request logs for http-frontend show:
- Correct 403-answers: with "PR" termination flags and "<NOSRV>" server  
- Buggy answers: without any termination flags and always with the same backend 
(id=1, probably it is default since I don't use "default_backend" option)
* Backend contains multiple servers and the chosen server is always, 
but I think it is coincidence

As far as I understand:
- In some very exotic conditions at least "http-request"-rules in frontend are 
completely ignored -> request just goes to default backend without processing 
- Looks like the conditions might be related to localhost-requests or to lack 
of headers

I've tried to disable TFO, activate debug-logs, match reload\exit timings with 
problem - no luck for more info at the moment.


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