
On Wed, May 22, Brent Clark wrote:
> 2019-05-22 12:23:15 SMTP protocol synchronization error (input sent
> without waiting for greeting): rejected connection from
> H=smtpgatewayserver [IP_OF_LB_SERVER] input="PROXY TCP4 $MY_IP
> $IP_OF_LB_SERVER 39156 587\r\n"

Seems like proxy protocol is not enabled on exim.

> We use Exim and I set:
> hostlist haproxy_hosts = IP.OF.LB

Do you have
 set/enabled ? 


> My haproxy config:
> https://pastebin.com/raw/JYAXkAq4
> If I run
> openssl s_client -host smtpgatewayserver -port 587 -starttls smtp -crlf
> openssl says connected, but SSL-Session is empty.
> I would like to say, if I change 'send-proxy' to 'check', the
> everything works, BUT the IP logged by Exim, is that of the LB, and
> not the client.
> If anyone could please review the haproxy config / my setup, it
> would be appreciated.
> Many thanks
> Brent Clark

Jarno Huuskonen

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