Hi Baptiste,

On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 04:29:43PM +0200, Baptiste wrote:
> Last mail, this is not backportable. HAProxy 2.0+ only.

The second one is quite a substantial change at this stage where we're
finalizing cleanup and minor fixes. Given that it's only about improving
the load time, I consider it as an optimization and prefer to postpone
it for 2.1. I've quickly glanced over it and saw a few minor mistakes
in the error checks indicating that a bit more review time should be
assigned to it. And if really needed later we may imagine backporting
it once it has cooked long enough in 2.1.

The first one however seems OK since it will affect how state files are
loaded, we'll definitely not change this in the middle of a release.

So I'm taking the first one right now, please resubmit the second one
later, or ping me so that I show you the minor things to address.


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