On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 09:18:07PM -0300, Joao Morais wrote:
> Yup, attached a new patch. Note however I only know two or three words in
> english beyond "hello" and "good morning", so feel free to update subject to
> a proper one and comment to what is really happening and what the spec is
> really forbiding or not. No need to be reviewed. =)

OK thank you. I've adjusted the patch to:
  - simply remove the test on *argv[arg+1] since it's covered by
    strchr() and more closely matches the commit message description
  - adjusted the comment to mention RFC6265 instead
  - adjusted the warning message

I figured I didn't have to reword your message since you apparently made
use of a few extra words beyond "hello" and "good morning" that were
perfectly understandable :-)


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