
On Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 10:34:10AM +0800, vkill.net wrote:
> Hi there,
> The sample fetche can get srv_name without foreach
> `core.backends["bk"].servers`.
> Then we can get Server class quickly via
> `core.backends[txn.f:be_name()].servers[txn.f:srv_name()]`.

Thank you. I initially didn't understand what you were trying to do
with your Lua example, and I was absolutely certain we already had
this sample fetch, as the server name is reporterd in logs. But we
didn't, it's only available as the "%s" tag (another example that
we need to finish the conversion of remaining tags).

Your patch is clean and I really appreciate that you contributed the
vtc with it. It's merged now.


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