On Wed, Nov 06, 2019 at 06:47:50PM +0100, Emmanuel Hocdet wrote:
> Hi,
> Very difficult to trigger the bug, except with spécific test configuration 
> like:
> crt-list:
> cert.pem !www.dom.tld
> cert.pem *.dom.tld
> If you can consider the patch.

Guys, I know that everyone has been very busy lately but at least giving
me indications like "yes", "no", "let me check", "do as you want" or
whatever could help. Letting candidate fixes rot for 9 days with no
response is not cool, and while it will always happen once in a while
anywhere, it systematically happens in the SSL subsystem. We definitely
need to improve this situation :-(

Now it's too late for 2.0.9 and 2.1-dev5 anyway.


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