
On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 9:51 AM Alexander Kasantsev <cont...@mrwho.ru> wrote:
> Good day everyone!
> I’m migrated from haproxy 1.5 to 1.7.11 and I have some troubles with logging
> I have a following in config file for logging
>   capture request  header Host len 200
>   capture request  header Referer len 200
>   capture request  header User-Agent len 200
>   capture request  header Content-Type len 200
>   capture request  header Cookie len 300
>   log-format %[capture.req.hdr(0),lower]\ %ci\ -\ [%t]\ \"%HM\ %HP\ %HV\"\ 
> %ST\ \"%[capture.req.hdr(3)]\"\ %U\ \"%[capture.req.hdr(1)]\"\ 
> \"%[capture.req.hdr(2)]\"\ \"%[capture.req.hdr(4)]\"\ %Tq\ \"%s\"\ 
> 'NGINX-CACHE-- "-"'\ \"%ts\»
> Logformat is almost the same with Nginx
> But is some cases it works incorrectly
> For example log output
> Nov 20 10:41:56 lb.loc haproxy[12633]: example.com - 
> [20/Nov/2019:10:41:56.095] "GET /piwik.php H" 200 "-" 2396 
> "https://example.com/"; "Mozilla/5.0" "some.cookie data" 19 "vm06.lb.rsl.loc" 
> NGINX-CACHE-- "-" "—"
> Problem is that "GET /piwik.php H"  must be "GET /piwik.php HTTP/1.1"
> its %HV parameter in log-format

By default the uri length in the log is limited to 1024 characters.
The limit can be raised by building with something like

Starting with 1.8, this is configurable without recompiling by using
the tune.http.logurilen directive:



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