On Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 6:31 PM William Lallemand
<wlallem...@haproxy.com> wrote:
> There is no limitation with the chroot since the file is uploaded over the 
> CLI.
> If you use the "set ssl cert" and "commit ssl cert" commands over the CLI the
> chroot option is not suppose to affect these.
> Do you have an example that might be a problem? I don't see how it could but I
> can be wrong.

no, it was not clear to me that you were talking about an extension of
`set ssl sert`; the description you made earlier of the possible
`haproxyctl cert reload` helper seemed to need reading the filesystem.
So nevermind, if it says in the same spirit of the current CLI
commands, i.e loading over the command line, it is perfectly ok to me.

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