I 'm using for many years an explicit web proxy solution based on  HAProxy in 
transparent mode in combination with a pair of linux load balancers 
(keepalived) and some Squid servers behind it.
The Squid servers have the VRRP IP address as default gateway.
All users have defined in browser a PAC file that contains the VRRP IP and the 
port 3128.All squid proxies behind this solution are now seeing the real client 
IP and this helps me to identify and define web policies.(squidguard)I run SSL 
inspection on Squid, having a root authority pushed via GPO.
For every site that needs to be accessed directly without going via proxy, I 
have defined a SNAT rule in firewall and a static exception in PAC file for 
direct outbound Internet access.

 I'd like to take this solution to a higher level and make a complete 
transparent web proxy solution without being necessary to define a PAC file in 

In order to do that, I want to make the routing/ filtering directly on HAProxy 
servers. I've configured a PBR to send the traffic from local PCs for ports 80 
and 443 to VRRP IP. I see now all traffic from clients on HAProxy servers.

this is part of haproxy config
frontend fe_frontend_pool_proxy_3128        timeout client 30m
        mode tcp
        bind transparent # VRRP IP
        default_backend bk_pool_proxy_3128

backend bk_pool_proxy_3128
        timeout server 30m
        timeout connect 5s
        mode tcp
        balance leastconn
        stick-table type ip size 20k
        stick on src
        default-server inter 5s fall 3 rise 2 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
        source usesrc clientip

        server proxy1 check port 3128 inter 3s rise 3 fall 3
        server proxy2 check port 3128 inter 3s rise 3 fall 

And now the question comes: Is there a way to redirect the incoming clients 
traffic to and all of that without affecting the web 
traffic from clients point of view?
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
--Marius M

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