Hi Kirill,

On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 06:41:03PM +0100, Kirill A. Korinsky wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm wondering, does it related to this code:
> +       /* some tasks may have woken other ones up */
> +       if (max_processed && thread_has_tasks())
> +               goto not_done_yet;
> +
> as far as I understand it should be safe to remove (with not_done_yet label).
> Can you try it?

It's indeed absolutely safe to remove, but it will not tell us anything
unfortunately. If the problem disappears or appears with/without it, it
will just further confirm that the problem has likely been there for
even longer and is sensitive to the sequencing.

I really wish I could have a way to reproduce it. I'd instrument the code to
crash as soon as we'd detect the corruption, and try to narrow down the area
where it happens till we find the offending code.

If someone else faces the same issue and figures a reliable way to reproduce
it, please suggest!


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