Hi everyone,

I wanted to try the FastCGI multiplexing feature, but whatever I do HAProxy
never sends multiple requests simultaneously over the same backend
connection. This is my configuration:


    mode http
    timeout connect 5000ms
    timeout client 50000ms
    timeout server 50000ms

backend fastcgi
    server server0 proto fcgi maxconn 1
    use-fcgi-app fcgi-app

fcgi-app fcgi-app
    docroot /
    option mpxs-conns
    option max-reqs 20
    no option get-values

frontend web
    bind *:8080
    default_backend fastcgi


When I send multiple HTTP requests that overlap, Haproxy just executes them
serially with new backend connections for each request (because of maxconn)
and most of them time out. Is my configuration wrong? Did I misunderstand
this feature?

Thanks and best regards,

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