On Sat, Dec 05, 2020 at 02:57:03AM +0100, Björn Jacke wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran into an issue with haproxy 2.2.6, where I'm not sure if this is
> working as intended or not. I have a frontend, which has a ssl cert
> configured in a combined pam file, containing the private, public and
> intermediate certificate. The bind line looks like this:
> bind ssl crt /certs/host.example.org/combined.pem.rsa ...
> If I renew the certificate, it works as also shown in
> https://www.haproxy.com/blog/dynamic-ssl-certificate-storage-in-haproxy/
> via
> echo "set ssl cert ${DIRNAME}/combined.pem.rsa" | socat ...
> Everything worked fine since quite a while ...
> until now the issuing intermediate certificate changed. I would expect
> that above mentioned "set ssl cert combined.pem.rsa" would also update
> the intermediate certificate - but the *previous* intermediate is still
> being used by haproxy. I noticed this actually only because the "set ssl
> ocsp-response" returned "Certificate ID does not match any certificate
> or issuer". It took me quite a while to spot that the intermediate was
> not updated.
> So the final question is, is this a bug or is the intermediate not
> supposed to be updated along with the combined.pem but differently? A
> reload or restart of haproxy will activate the new intermediate
> certificate of course.

Looks like a bug to me, the intermediate certificate is indeed supposed
to be updated, I'll look into this.

William Lallemand

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