чт, 24 дек. 2020 г. в 01:51, Tim Düsterhus <t...@bastelstu.be>:

> Ilya,
> Am 23.12.20 um 21:21 schrieb Илья Шипицин:
> > this adds daily job.
> > token specification also must be done, let us do it after merge.
> I've cleaned up the YML and commit message a bit:
> a) Fixed some typos.
> b) Improved the naming of the Workflow and the workflow steps.
> c) Add newlines to `apt-get install`.
> d) Move the `if` out of bash into the YML definition.
> e) Use `-fsSL` flags for curl to make sure it catches all errors and
> works for redirects.
> Can you please check that the changes did not break anything? I attached
> the updated patch.

I particularly like this one:

if: ${{ env.COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN != '' }}

can it be done job wide ? i.e. nothing should start, neither checkout, nor
job itself if token is not set (which is true for forks)

Also, Tim, I've forgotten to limit builds to "master" branch.  Should we
add some condition as well to prevent coverity scan for other branches ?

> Best regards
> Tim Düsterhus

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