❦  3 février 2021 10:23 GMT, Louis Charreau:

> we use hatop daily to monitor in real time haproxy.
> This tool is no longer packaged in ubuntu 20.04 (LTS), which is a pity for 
> such a useful tool.
> It's true that the initial project doesn't seem to be maintained
> anymore (last commit 5 years ago) and only works in Python2 which is
> itself deprecated: feurix/hatop (https://github.com/feurix/hatop).
> We referred to the jhunt/hatop project
> (https://github.com/jhunt/hatop), which is compatible with Python2 and
> 3. And we integrated it into our private repositories.
> Do you think it would be possible and useful for others to reintegrate
> hatop into the official Debian / Ubuntu repositories?

It's already the case:

Write clearly - don't be too clever.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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