On Wed, 3 Feb 2021 at 18:47, Илья Шипицин <chipits...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> while I do not mind to have such optimization, but when 'a.example.com"
>> responds with http2 GOAWAY, that affects also "b.example.com" and "
>> c.example.com". Chrome is not clever enough to open new connections instead
>> of abandoned one.
> above approach works for Chrome (and does not work for Safari)
> unfortunately we found Safari is using connection reuse just like Chrome, and 
> Safari does not handle 421 properly

In which exact case is GOAWAY sent to the browser and how does that
impact the browser behavior exactly?

You are probably doing routing based on the host header, not the SNI
value, so you wouldn't have a routing problem. I'm unsure what the
actual problem is that you are trying to solve.


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