
By accident I discovered that when enabling logging with line "log
ring@spoe-ring local2" in SPOE immediate segmentation fault occurs.

Steps to reproduce (configuration files attached):

# execute spoa-server from contrib directory:
./spoa -d -p 8080

# execute haproxy:
haproxy -f haproxy.cfg

# trigger:
curl http://localhost:8000

# haproxy -v
HA-Proxy version 2.2.5-34b2b10 2020/11/05 - https://haproxy.org/
Status: long-term supported branch - will stop receiving fixes around Q2
Known bugs: http://www.haproxy.org/bugs/bugs-2.2.5.html
Running on: Linux 4.15.0-54-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 24 10:55:24 UTC
2019 x86_64

Kind regards,

Attachment: spoa-server.spoe.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: haproxy.cfg
Description: Binary data

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