Hi all,

Since version 2.3.8, I've noticed problem with come sticky counters, which only increments, and never decrements. The behavior was OK in 2.3.7

frontend web
        bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/...
        http-request track-sc0 src table global_limits

backend global_limits
     stick-table type ip size 1m expire 1h store conn_cur,http_req_rate(20s),http_err_rate(1h)

Stick table

echo "show table global_limits" | socat stdio unix-connect:/run/haproxy/admin.sock 0x7ff0f4027d40: key=195.219.xxx.xxx use=2 exp=3599384 conn_cur=2 http_req_rate(20000)=607 http_err_rate(3600000)=0

One minute after :

0x7ff0f4027d40: key= use=2 exp=3599923 conn_cur=2 http_req_rate(20000)=689 http_err_rate(3600000)=0

Conn_cur increments and decrements well, but http_req_rate and http_err_rate doesn't.


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