On Mon, Aug 09, 2021 at 08:19:40PM +0530, Amol Arote wrote:
> Dear Willy,
> We are referring below reference links for configuration.where as per links
> we need to install hapee-2.3r1-lb-maxmind module.
> Need to know from where we can get this hapee-2.3r1-lb-maxmind module.
> https://www.haproxy.com/documentation/hapee/latest/load-balancing/geolocation/maxmind/
> https://blog.maxmind.com/2020/03/02/using-maxmind-geoip2-databases-with-haproxy-enterprise/#more-588

Well, then you're referring to the Enterprise edition, which has nothing
to do with this mailing list which is about the community version. Please
contact your support then, as there's nothing the people on the list can
do for you in this case.


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