
Have anybody some hints or tips about the question?


On 08.11.21 12:26, Aleksandar Lazic wrote:


I have 2 LB's which should limit the connection to one backend.

I would try to use "conn_cur" in a stick table and share it via peers.
Have anyone such a solution already in place?

That's my assuption for the config.

peers be_pixel_peers
   bind 9123
   log global
   localpeer {{ ansible_nodename }}
   server lb1 lb1.domain.com:1024
   server lb2 lb2.domain.com:1024

backend be_pixel_persons
   log global

   acl port_pixel dst_port {{ dst_ports["pixel"] }}
   tcp-request content silent-drop if port_pixel !{ src -f 
/etc/haproxy/whitelist.acl }

   option httpchk GET /alive
   http-check connect ssl
   timeout check 20s
   timeout server 300s

   # limit connection to backend

   stick-table type ip size 1m expire 10m store conn_cur peers be_pixel_peers
   http-request deny if { src,table_table_conn_cur(sc_conn_cur) gt 100 }


   http-request capture req.fhdr(Referer) id 0
   http-request capture req.fhdr(User-Agent) id 1
   http-request capture req.hdr(host) id 2
   http-request capture var(txn.cap_alg_keysize)  id 3
   http-request capture var(txn.cap_cipher) id 4
   http-request capture var(txn.cap_protocol) id 5

   http-response set-header X-Server %s

   balance roundrobin

   server pixel_persons1 {{ hosts["pixel_persons1"] }}:8184 resolvers mydns ssl 
check check-ssl ca-file /etc/haproxy/letsencryptauthorityx3.pem maxconn 2 weight 20
   server pixel_persons2 {{ hosts["pixel_persons2"] }}:8184 resolvers mydns ssl 
check check-ssl ca-file /etc/haproxy/letsencryptauthorityx3.pem maxconn 2 weight 20
   server pixel_persons3 {{ hosts["pixel_persons3"] }}:8184 resolvers mydns ssl 
check check-ssl ca-file /etc/haproxy/letsencryptauthorityx3.pem maxconn 8 weight 80



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