On 12.01.22 21:52, Andrew Anderson wrote:

On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 11:58 AM Aleksandar Lazic <al-hapr...@none.at 
<mailto:al-hapr...@none.at>> wrote:

    Well, looks like you want a forward proxy like squid not a reverse proxy 
like haproxy.

The application being load balanced is a proxy, so http_proxy is not a good fit (and as you mention on the deprecation list), but haproxy as a load balancer is a much better at front-ending this environment than any other solution available.

We upgraded to 2.4 recently, and a Java application that uses these proxy servers is what exposed this issue for us.  Even if we were to use squid, we would still run into this, as I would want to ensure that squid was highly available for the environment, and we would hit the same code path when going through haproxy to connect to squid.

The only option currently available in 2.4 that I am aware of is to setup internal-only frontend/backend paths with accept-invalid-http-request configured on those paths exclusively for Java clients to use. This is effectively how we have worked around this for now:

listen proxy
     bind :8080
     mode http
     option httplog
     server proxy1
     server proxy2

listen proxy-internal
     bind :8081
     mode http
     option httplog
     option accept-invalid-http-request
     server proxy1 track proxy/proxy1
     server proxy2 track proxy/proxy2

This is a viable workaround for us in the short term, but this would not be a solution that would work for everyone.  If the uri parser patches I found in the 2.5/2.6 branches are the right ones to make haproxy more permissive on matching the authority with the host in CONNECT requests, that will remove the need for the parallel frontend/backends without validation enabled.  I hope to be able to have time to test a 2.4 build with those patches included over the next few days.

By design is HAProxy a reverse proxy to a origin server not to a forwarding 
proxy which is the reason why the
CONNECT method is a invalid method.

Because of that fact I would not use "mode http" for the squid backend/servers 
because of the issues you
Why not "mode tcp" with proxy protocol 
http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/proxy_protocol_access/ if you
need the client ip.


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