Do you see any diff between my conf and the one in the link? :/

On Fri, 3 Jun 2022 at 17:37, Aleksandar Lazic <> wrote:

> Hi.
> On Fri, 3 Jun 2022 17:12:25 +0200
> Seena Fallah <> wrote:
> > When using the below config to have 100req/s rate-limiting after passing
> > the 100req/s all of the reqs will deny not reqs more than 100req/s!
> > ```
> > listen test
> >     bind :8000
> >     stick-table  type ip  size 100k expire 30s store http_req_rate(1s)
> >     http-request track-sc0 src
> >     http-request deny deny_status 429 if { sc_http_req_rate(0) gt 100 }
> >     http-request return status 200 content-type "text/plain" lf-string
> "200
> > OK"
> > ```
> >
> > Is there a way to deny reqs more than 100 not all of them?
> > For example, if we have 1000req/s, 100reqs get "200 OK" and the rest of
> > them (900reqs) gets "429"?
> Yes.
> Here are some examples with explanation.
> Here some search outputs, maybe some of the examples helps you to.
> Regards
> Alex

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