Bumping this to the top of your inbox:)


Miglė Kasiulynaitė

SEO Manager



On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 6:18 AM, Miglė Kasiulynaitė <migl...@ipxo.com> wrote:

You've probably never come across me. (Hi, I'm Migle! and I write for IPXO, 
which is a leading platform in IPv4 leasing) Gonna be totally upfront here...I 
checked your blog pieces and I loved the content! I’m writing because I’d like 
to contribute something to your website (a backlink). Could you let me know 
what would it take to receive a do-follow link on your site? ;)

I’m asking you to consider one of these amazing articles, such as this one, 
IPv6 Adoption: Where Are We?<https://www.ipxo.com/blog/ipv6-adoption/>, or this 
one, Common Issues Concerning 
IPv6<https://www.ipxo.com/blog/common-ipv6-issues/>, and consider linking to it 
from one of your articles, perhaps this one, IPv6 - DDoS, an underrated 
attackvector -> https://zero.bs/ipv6-ddos-an-underrated-attackvector.html.

If you totally dig my content, then you'll be sure you'll impress your audience 
when you share it with them :) ... a total win-win.

Best regards,


Miglė Kasiulynaitė

SEO Manager



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